Monday, April 30, 2012
Zoe's Kitty Party is a big success!!! Today we have more sweet furry babies joining the happy bunch of sweeties having fun at the party! And while Zoe's new friends are still enjoying each other's company (you can see them here, here and here), Zoe is happy to introduce other new friends joining us today! :) We even have a special guest, sweet doggy girl Nora, who loves kitties so much and just couldn't let her little kitty brother come to the party without her!
- Pickle -
This blue-eyed beauty is joining us from Switzerland! Welcome Pickle! Pickle's Mom Juanita tells us that "Pickle was born and raised in London, England, and followed her family to French-speaking Switzerland a few years ago. In June 2010, due to personal reasons, Pickle's family had to re-home her. When my husband and I heard about it, we decided to take this very precious 7-year-old in. We rented a car from Zurich, drove almost 4 hours to meet our new baby girl, and brought her back to Zurich with us! Since then, I cannot imagine a day without my little Pickle". What a sweet, precious girl!
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- Petimezi - |
And here we have a sweet-natured, sensitive boy joining us from the beautiful island of Lesvos, Greece! His name is Petimezi, and his Mom Sandy tells us his happy story: "My husband Giannis found a scrawny kitten tied to our garden gate late one night last winter. We named her Petimezi because I was making grape syrup at the time. She bonded with our little dog Nora (who we found in a hollow olive tree but that's another story). They played and cuddled and slept together and Nora even began nursing Peti. After we had her for about six months it suddenly became clear to me that Petimezi was a boy! A very sweet and delicate boy. Petimezi is a special kitty who loves the sea. He and Nora investigate for hours while I hunt for beachy treasures. We think it's a lovely way to spend the winter days". What a sweet boy! Zoe is very happy to meet an island boy! :)
Nora loves kitties, and she loves Petimezi so much that she HAD to accompany him to the Kitty Party too! Welcome sweet little Nora, you are a sweetheart! :)
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- Nora and Petimezi - |
And here we have a lovely gang of 5 boys joining us from Canada!
Casper, Benjamin, Archie, Jimmy and Kip all live in Canada (although Jimmy and Kip were originally American kitties) with their loving family and a dog named Rio. Casper is five, Ben is four, Archie is three, Jimmy is two and Kip will celebrate his first birthday next month. As their Mom Catrina (aka Cat) lets us know, "they were all rescued at different times but thankfully they all get along very well. They enjoy chasing each other around the house, catnip mousies and spirited sessions with DaBird but most of all sleeping together in a kitty pile on our bed". Zoe is very impressed by these handsome Canadian boys!!! :)
You can read about their life and adventures on their Mom Cat's lovely blog Cat's Cats.
- Casper - |
- Benjamin - |
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- Archie - |
- Jimmy - |
- Kip - |
Thank you sweet Pickle, Petimezi, Nora, Casper, Benjamin, Archie, Jimmy and Kip for joining Zoe's party!!!!!! We are so happy to see you here, and we hope you all enjoy the company! Please make yourselves comfortable and let's wait for more guests to come! :)
Any other sweet kitties who wish to join us can read here what they need to do! We are awaiting you!
Friday, April 27, 2012
More sweet guests are arriving at Zoe's Kitty Party and joining the happy bunch of sweeties having fun at the party! And while her new friends are enjoying each other's company (you can see them here and here), Zoe is happy to introduce other new friends joining us today! :)
This adorable girl is taking a nap after her long trip from Norway! Her name is Scully and she is nine years old... the same age as Zoe! Her Mom Hilde tells us that "she is very much a homeloving cat, and she never goes far away from our house. She enjoyes running around the garden and playing with the neighbouring cat, and she is always around me when I work in the garden. But most of all she likes the comfort of a soft and warm blanket. And of course a large dish of delicious cat food".
- Scully -
- Anni -
And here we have one more sweet girl who is the same age as Zoe, sweet little 9! Anni joins us from Florida, US, and as her Mom Elisa tells us, her "favorite activity is sitting on her beach chair on the porch watching little lizards and birds. She also likes to assist at the Pesky Cat Designs studio once in a while as long as there is plenty of thread to work with. She lives in St. Augustine, Florida but is originally from NYC. She was rescued from the streets of NYC on a very cold winter day and now lives in luxury". Such a sweet and lucky girl!
- Minou -
And here we have sweet Minou showing all her beauty at Zoe's Kitty Party! Sweet Minou joins us from Belgium, where she lives with her Mom Sandra, and she would like to introduce herself:
"Hello Annuk and furry friends, here I am ... I had my photoshoot and will tell you about my lucky day!
I was born somewhere in the south of France. I joined my former owners on their holiday to the Provence (I was only 1 year old). I was pregnant and they abandoned me. A nice vet that was on holiday at the same resort took care of me, helped me to give birth (my baby didn't survive) and immediatly sterilized me. At the end of the holiday season, I could stay at the resort and was taken care of by a lady that worked in the kitchen and lived at the resort permenantly. I survived the winter outside... and yes at the Provence it can be cold too! In July of the next year, a couple checked in, in the condo next to my home. I went to say hello and immediatly liked them, jumped on their lap and started to use my charms. They gave me so nice food, combed my furry hair and I paid them a daily visit. Early mornings they called my name (well... at that time
I didn't really have a name, they called me 'petit chat'... little cat) and I could stay with them all day when I wanted. After one week they left ... But what I didn't know, is that they informed about me, and they where told that I could be taken home by them if they wanted. 2 months later they reappeared in the same condo next door to my home and they had a large bench in the living room, with nice food inside. They stayed a whole week again... and at the end of the week I could go in the bench and drive about 10 hours to my new home and the 3 other furry friends they had, that was the luckiest day of my life.
They gave me a name : Minou ... typical french name for a cat :-) It's been almost 4 years since the day that I left France, and even now ... I still want to be as close as possible to them, I am so scared to be abandoned again". Oh such a sweet, touching story!!!
- Pallina -
And here we have a sweet, adorable lady from the Italian Riviera! Pallina is 13 years old and she is a dear friend of my cousin Syvia. Pallina has a family who cares for her, and Sylvia meets her on her favorite walk, a beautiful path among palm trees, olive groves and mimosa trees. A very independent girl with a strong personality, this beautiful calico is a sweet, wise soul in a feline body. Ciao Pallina, I love you too! :)
And of course my Mom's sweet kitties couldn't miss Zoe's party either! :) Meet Lilli, Tommi and Theo!
- Lilli -
- Tommi -
Lilli and Tommi are brother and sister, they will be 4 this summer. Lilli is a sweet and very affectionate girl, she seldom goes out and she is very territorial. She is a gourmet and likes only the best! Very vocal, she loves talking. Her brother Tommi is a sweet-natured and very relaxed boy, he loves sleeping on our laps and having his belly rubbed. And he adores his sister Lilli! They will often be seen snuggling up like this...
- Theo -
Theo is the latest addition to the family! He will be 2 years old this summer. He is a funny, "crazy" boy, always moving and active. He sleeps in the most curious positions (that's the only time he stands still!) and... he adores his adopted sister Lilli too! :)Thank you sweet Scully, Anni, Minou, Pallina, Lilli, Tommi and Theo for joining Zoe's party!!!!!! We are so happy to see you here, and we hope you all enjoy the company! Please make yourselves comfortable and let's wait for more guests to come! :)
Any other sweet kitties who wish to join us can read here what they need to do! We are awaiting you!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
While her first guests are still having a great time at Zoe's Kitty Party, enjoying each other's company, joyfully playing and exchanging news about the lovely places they come from, new sweet guests have arrived from around the world!!! Zoe is very happy and excited to introduce them! :) Thank you for being here, sweet friends!!!!
- Ruby and Allegra -
Two sweet tortoiseshell sisters join us from the US! Allegra and Ruby live with cat writer and blogger Ingrid King in Virginia. When they’re not providing inspurration for Ingrid, they write their own columns on Ingrid’s blog, The Conscious Cat: Allegra’s World and Ruby’s Reflections.
As we are all cat lovers here, I would really like to warmly recommend you Ingrid's wonderful website-blog (my favorite website about cats!), which is full with useful tips for your kitty and great articles on "conscious living, health and happiness for cats and their humans".
- Pasha -
What a handsome boy is joining us from Istanbul, Turkey! Zoe is very happy to meet sweet Pasha, the much loved kitty son of her Mom's friend Sebnem! Sebnem tells us that Pasha is "my inspiration muse, my assistant, business partner :) He is my 3-year-old, adopted kitty son. He is very playful, very curious. He is the prince of our house :)".
And here are two beautiful and sweet girls from the Netherlands!
- Eva -
This white beauty is joining us together with her kitty sister from the Netherlands. Eva is 8 years old, and as her Mom Nancy tells us, "this lovely white feline is a very good hunter. She can catch grass, plastic bags, socks and T-shirts! Here she sits with her two preys: gardening gloves she stole from the neighbours!".
- Bella -
True to her name, this beautiful black girl joins us from the Netherlands with her sister Eva. Bella is 8 years old, and her Mom Nancy lets us know that she is a sweet and quiet girl. "In the sunlight she looks brown instead of black... She is very relaxed and can sleep anywhere! She is very good at sleeping, sleeping and looking around her!".
And Zoe is very excited now, because a lovely gang of 9 (yes, NINE!) is joining us from Belgium! Many thanks to their Mom Nathalie for bringing them to the party! :)
- Pepita -
Pepita from Belgium is a little princess. Her Mom Nathalie tells us that she isn't sure about her age, and she is missing the teeth that could give her an idea. Nathalie's guess is she's about 5/6. "She is bossy and possessive. Loves ham and cuddles".
- Daget -
Oh another sweet tortoiseshell much to Allegra and Ruby's (and their Mom Ingrid's) delight! This sweet girl from Belgium is named Daget, and as her Mom Nathalie tells us, she's "a shy and sweet kitty. She is 11. She hardly ever runs. Purrs extremely loudly". Sweetness!!
- Doudou (aka Kevin aka Voldemort) -
And here we have a singer! This serious-looking boy joins us from Belgium too, his name is Doudou. Nathalie tells us he's "also known as Kevin and Voldemort (depending on my level of aggravation with him). I don't know his age but he has no teeth left and he is deaf. Not the friendliest cat with other cats. Has his share of bad plans. Enjoys singing..."
- Dora -
Sweet Dora from Belgium is the best friend of Diego. A very sweet little chubby cat, her Mommy Nathalie lets us know "I have never seen her do anything naughty. She loves everyone. She is going to be 6 this summer". What an adorable girl!
- Diego -
And here we have Dora's best friend! This handsome white boy is named Diego. His Mom Nathalie tells us he must be 6 or 7. He loves to "do Dora's hair" and he's also known as "El loco blanco". Nathalie adds "Not the sharpest pencil in the box but an adorable kitty". Welcome sweet Diego!
- Eugénie -
Oh we have royalty here! A Persian princess! As her Mom Nathalie tells us, "Eugénie hates to be groomed so she spends half the year as an entangled mess... and the other half as a naked rat ;) Loves cuddles when she decides".
- Gazette -
This very sweet looking kitty who joins us from Belgium is a boy. His age is unknown, but his Mom Nathalie tells us that he is at least 12 "as I have had him for that long. Better known as "El Loco"... thinks he is a real little boy. Loves everything I eat and has to sit on my knees when I eat. He is a bit crazy and hard to understand. He managed to scrach wallpaper at a height of 2 meters. At one time he thought he was the mom of another of my cats (Elvis who sadly died of FIP)". Oh what a sweet, "crazy" boy! An artist!
- Bob Kitten -
This handsome boy from Belgium is the son of Eugénie and brother of Frank Kitten. Bob Kitten will be 3 next month. He's a super chubby and large cat, he loves cuddles and waking up his Mom Nathalie in the middle of the night. "Super chicken".
- Frank Kitten -
And one more sweet kitty boy is joining us from Belgium! Frank Kitten is Eugénie's other son. He is as tiny and thin as his brother Bob is large and chubby. His Mom Nathalie tells us he is the "ultimate little homebody. Loves window sills over radiatiors. His idea of a walk is to go out through the bay window and come back in right away through the study window. Loves to be walked in arms. And loves playing with Bruno the starfish". Awww what a sweetheart! :)
Thank you sweet Ruby, Allegra, Pasha, Eva, Bella, Pepita, Daget, Doudou, Dora, Diego, Eugénie, Gazette, Bob and Frank for joining Zoe's party!!!!!! We are so happy to see you here, and we hope you all enjoy the company! Please make yourselves comfortable and let's wait for more guests to come! :)
Any other sweet kitties who wish to join us can read here what they need to do! We are awaiting you!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I Need 7 Hands
"I'm too sexy for my cape!"
Jacob was really well behaved at my two week check up so, as promised (honestly, is it even possible to parent without bribery?), I took him to McDonald's afterward. Yes. I already know-- I'm a horrible parent for feeding my kid McDonalds. He will probably grow a third nipple from eating the pink mcnugget glue.
Anyway, this was Ryan's first trip to McDonald's- now THAT'S something to write in the baby book! Jacob finished his nuggets and apple slices and so I turned him loose to play in the fecal infested, toe-fungus covered playland. I'm so winning a parenting award today!
Enjoying the relative quiet, I pulled out the steak and blue cheese spinach salad that I had smuggled in my diaper bag from the hospital cafeteria (it's a sad day when you prefer hospital food to McDonalds) and was FINALLY getting the chance to eat. I was starving. The steak on my salad was still warm. And the vinaigrette dressing was oozing deliciously from under the pile of spinach. I was just about to dig in when Ryan began to fuss for his own food. I tried rocking his carseat with my foot. Fail. I tried plugging in his pacifier. Fail. Ryan's crying was starting to draw people's attention to us and, particularly, my suspiciously unsanctioned salad. So I put down my fork, and set myself up to feed Ryan (can I just say that I LOVE my Bebe au lait nursing cover? It's magical. I only flashed the one old guy in the corner).
We were finally getting situated. Ryan had only drippled half an ounce of milk down my shirt when all of a sudden Jacob comes running out of the playland, screaming from across the room, "MOMMY, I HAVE TO POOP!! I HAVE TO POOP NOW!" He was doing his poop-holding dance and everything. So much for being discrete. Oh and perfect timing, kid!
I put Ryan down, which triggered more screaming. I awkwardly disassembled all my nursing stuff, packed up the diaper bag, got Jacob to put his shoes on and we made a bee-line for the bathroom, with me looking back longingly at my delicous salad. Thankfully we went into the Women's bathroom this time... and we just barely made it.
As I was helping Jacob wipe his butt (this is by far, the most disgusting parental chore EVER), fussy Ryan let out a huge, wet toot. It was so loud that it startled him. He about jolted out of his carseat which made him cry even louder. The smell of buttered popcorn filled the air and I knew, I JUST KNEW, he had a blow-out. So with one hand, I wiped Jacob's bottom. With my other hand, I grabbed a burp cloth and tried my best to contain the Ryan poo situation. In the middle of doing this, Ryan's pacifier fell out of my pocket and landed on the bathroom floor. DIS-GUSTING. I debated whether to try to clean it later or just throw it away. Either way, my parenting crutch is gone for the day and I have to actually pay attention to my baby.
After both kids were cleaned up (an eternity later), we headed back to our table. After managing the Bodily Function Disasters, I had almost totally lost my appetite. The steak on my salad was cold. The spinach looked soggy from the dressing. But it didn't really matter because I still had to feed Ryan anyway.
20 minutes later (and zero flashings later!), Ryan is fed and is snoozing in his carseat. Not one to waste a $6 salad, I turn to the plate of cold steak and soggy spinach and shovel it mechanically into my mouth. Yay....not. I'm just about to give Jacob the dreaded Five-Minute-Warning when I see him dragging a troop of children out of the playland. What on earth are they doing?
"Come here!" Jacob exclaims to his six new friends who are waddlig behind him like ducklings. "I want to SHOW YOU SOMETHING," he says as he throws his hands in the air. I watch with amusement as he leads his friends over to us. Then he pulls back the cover on Ryan's carseat and points to Ryan's now-sleeping face. "Look!" He exclaims. "This is our baby! He likes to spit up!" How's that for an introduction?
Jacob was just so proud to show Ryan off. My heart completely melted onto the floor. Some of the kids seemed interested (the girls mostly) while the others shot him a look as if to say, "you interrupted Hot Lava Monster for a boring sleeping BABY?!" (the boys mostly).
"Goo" Ryan said. Then Jacob reached over and patted his head.
And THAT magical sibling moment was worth all the spit-up, accidental flashings, poo, and spoiled $6 salads in the entire world!
P.S.: We set up our tri-pod and took our first family photos!
Zoe is excited to announce that her first guests have arrived at her kitty party! :) Thank you for being here, sweet friends!!!!!!!
- Buttonwillow -
We have a beautiful lady from Oregon, US! Isn't she just adorable??? Buttonwillow is very busy these days as Chief Studio Assistant for Susan Faye World Headquarters in McMinnville, Oregon, USA, in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. You can find out more about her at 365 Cat Ladies and Friends, Susan's lovely blog about her art and her adorable furry assistant.
- Luna -
Sweet Luna is joining us from Israel! She is pretending to be asleep so as to look at the other party guests from her lovely, cozy place! This lovely lady is 12, her Mom Yael tells us her lovely story: "One day my son came home and said to me: Open your hands mom! I did, and he put this tiny tricolor into my palms! While sitting with his girlfriend in a cafe named Luna this kitty came to them crying - there was no mama in sight, so they took it and brought it home - hence her name Luna! She is very kind, VERY kind indeed and so lovely!!!". You can visit her and her Mom Yael on her great blog.
- Golda -
Luna took along her lovely sister Golda, who is a very lucky girl as she was rescued from the desert. This lively girl from Israel is really hard to photograph, as her mom Yael tells us, "because she always moves. We have a large olive tree on the left of our living room window - she climbs up there and jumps on the window sill - then she "screams" to get let in! She is ALWAYS hungry! She is the most interesting and independent cat I ever had - she is strong and fast - but very good natured too! Oh Goldie, how much we love you!!!".
- Mpempa -
Another calico girl! Adorable Mpempa joins us from Greece! Zoe is very happy to host a calico girl from her native country! Mpempa brought a photo of herself as a tiny baby with her, so as to explain her happy story better. Her Mommy Alexandra tells us that "Mpempa means baby girl in Greek. I found her abandoned on the steps of a house on 11th of July and she was about a day old. She became a member of our family and she is very energetic and playful!! When she wants to sleep, she comes into our hands and she's trying to suck our fingers, as babies have their pacifier.Now, she's nine months old and very very happy. So do we!!!!!!"
What a happy, touching story!
And here is Marilia's adorable cat family, joining us from faraway Brazil!
- Nelson -
Handsome Nelson is 5 years old (25/09/2006) and he is from Porto Alegre, Brazil. His Mom Marilia tells us that Nelson "is the firstborn, the alpha cat of the house. The Lord of the cats in our home is very friendly, nosy, curious, glutton, fluffy and loves affection. He is not afraid of the visits and loves participating in all events from home".
- Bartolomeu -
Another handsome boy! Bartolomeu is 5 years old too (30/09/2006) and from Porto Alegre, Brazil. His Mom Marilia lets us know that Bartolomeu is a mixture of Siamese with domestic cat. "Very territorial with new cats. He is suspicious of the visits and does not like loud noise or meeting. He loves to be petted and be on your lap like a baby".
- Ebano -
Adorable Ébano is 5 years old too (25/12/2006) and like the rest of his furry family, he joins us from Porto Alegre, Brazil. His proud Mom tells us that "Ébano is a special cat, with only three legs. Very talkative, active, does everything the others do, very athletic. He just does not like to sit on your lap or suspended because he loses his balance. Very affectionate". And what a sweet face!
- Luan -
Another heartbreaker from Porto Alegre, Brazil! Sweet Luan is a young boy, not yet 2 years old (25/06/2010), and a British Shorthair. He "came from a cattery, having been sold and treated badly by his buyer. Very cute, quiet, active and curious. He looks like a bear so much cuteness". YES, he does!!! Zoe is very impressed by all these handsome boys from Brazil! :)
- Aimée -
What a sweet name for this sweet girl who joins our kitty party from Porto Alegre, Brazil! Aimée is 5 years old (20/12/2006), a British Shorthair and she "came from a cattery. She was used as a matrix and then retired, spayed and came to live with us. She looks like a bear too and she's so much cuteness and suspicious".
You can follow the life and adventures of these sweet kitties from Brazil on their Mom Marilia's lovely blog.
Thank you sweet Buttonwillow, Luna, Golda, Mpempa, Nelson, Bartolomeu, Ébano, Luan and Aimée for joining Zoe's party!!!!!! We are so happy to see you here, and we hope you all enjoy the company! Please make yourselves comfortable and let's wait for other guests to come! :)
Any other sweet kitties who wish to join us can read here what they need to do! We are awaiting you!
Monday, April 23, 2012
KITTY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZOE is pleased to invite all kitty friends to her BLOG PARTY!
To join our party, please send us a photo of your cat with his/her name, and let us know if he/she is a boy or a girl! Optional: you can add a short (or long, if you wish!) text about your kitty, and we will be happy to publish that too!
If you have more than one cat, please email us a photo for each kitty! And don't forget to include their names (+boy/girl info), and any other info you may wish to add -- and of course, if you like, a text about each of your fluffy babies!
• Email us at
We are looking forward to seeing you here!!!! And Zoe is looking forward to meeting lots of new friends!!!!
Lots of treats, toys and goodies for everybody, of course! :)
*** Oh, and there is NO deadline to join our party!!!!! Guests are ALWAYS welcome!!!!!!!!!!! ***
We are awaiting your little darlings with open arms! :)
*** Oh, and there is NO deadline to join our party!!!!! Guests are ALWAYS welcome!!!!!!!!!!! ***
We are awaiting your little darlings with open arms! :)
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