As many of you already know, Google has announced that they will be closing their Google feed reader in July. This means that all our Google Friend Connect based Follow widgets and Blog roll widgets won't be working anymore, and there will be no way to follow other blogs through Google :( There are other feed readers out there, thankfully, but most bloggers who use the Blogger platform are going to migrate to Bloglovin' as a reader. You can even import ALL your blogspot blogs there! If you follow blogs which are on other platforms (Wordpress, many blogs with .com in their domain, etc), you need to import them manually, adding their links or searching by their titles. Give yourself time until then, and keep updated with your blogs! :)
I have already imported ALL your blogs to Bloglovin', my friends, so rest assured that I won't miss out on your blogs! :)
I still have to find out if there will still be a way to have a blog roll sidebar widget (I LOVE it and it makes it SO easy to see the blog updates at a glance, without having to scroll through ALL the blogs you've signed up to... just the ones you really do read and follow!)...
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