Thursday, January 31, 2013

Κέικ με καρότο και γλασέ λεμονιού - Cake with carrot and lemon icing

Ένα νόστιμο κέικ, ιδανικό για τα παιδιά και με εύκολη διαδικασία!

A delicious cake, perfect for kids, easy to be created!

Υλικά για το κέικ
2 φλυτζάνια τσαγιού ζάχαρη λευκή
1 φλυτζάνι τσαγιού ελαιόλαδο
4 αυγά
3 φλυτζ. τσαγιού καρότο ξύσμα
1 κουταλιά σούπας κανέλα-γαρύφαλλο
1 κουταλιά σούπας  baking powder
2 φλυτζάνια αλεύρι για όλες τις χρήσεις

Ingredients for the cake
2 tea cups white sugar
1 tea cup olive oil
4 eggs
3 tea cups carrot shavings
1 tablespoon cinnamon-clove
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 tea cups flour


Σε ένα μπολ χτυπάμε με το μίξερ τη ζάχαρη προσθέτοντας ένα ένα τα αυγά και στη συνέχεια το ελαιόλαδο. Προσθέτω τη κανέλα με το γαρύφαλλο και  το  ξύσμα καρότου. Ανακατεύω στο αλεύρι το baking powder και τα προσθέτω σιγά σιγά στο μείγμα. 
Όταν το μείγμα γίνει ομοιόμορφο, το βάζω σε φόρμα για κέικ και ψήνουμε σε προθερμασμένο φούρνο στους 180 βαθμούς στις κάτω αντιστάσεις, για μία ώρα περίπου.


 In a large bowl, add the sugar, one by one the eggs and mix them. Finally add the olive oil and continue mingle them all together to unite the ingredients and make a smooth mixture.
Continue mingle and add the cinnamon with the clove and the carrot shavings. 
Finally mix in a small bowl the flour with the baking powder and add it to the mixture.
Put the mixture in a cake tin and bake it for about 1hour in a warming up oven in 180C.

Υλικά για το γλασέ
200gr τυρί κρέμα
140gr ζάχαρη άχνη
1 κουτ. γλυκού ξύσμα λεμόνι
μισή κουταλιά γλυκού ανθόνερο ή χυμό πορτοκαλιού

Ingredients for the lemon icing
200gr cheese cream
140gr sugar fine flour
1 teaspoon lemon shaving
Half tablespoon rosewater or orange juice


Σε ένα μπολ ανακατεύω τη κρέμα τυριού με τη ζάχαρη σιγά σιγά και στη συνέχεια προσθέτω το ξύσμα λεμονιού και το ανθόνερο ή το χυμό πορτοκαλιού  Όταν η κρέμα μας γίνει ομοιόμορφη  είναι έτοιμη. Την περιχύνουμε στο κέικ και το αφήνουμε να κρυώσει.
Είναι έτοιμο για σερβίρισμα!!! 


In a bowl add the cream cheese and add slowly the sugar fine flour and mix them. Finally add the lemon shaving and the rosewater or the orange juice. When the cream will be uniformed, it is ready for use. Pour over the cream on the cake and let it to cool.
Hour cake is ready to be served!!!! 

1. Στο κέικ αν θέλετε μπορείτε μετά το ξύσμα καρότου να προσθέσετε και 2 φλυτζ. τσαγιού καρύδι τρίμμα
2. Αν αντί για λεμόνι λατρεύεται το πορτοκάλι, μπορείτε το γλασέ να το κάνετε με ξύσμα πορτοκαλιού και ανθόνερο.

11. Into the cake you can also add nuts crump after adding the carrots shavings.
22. If you do not prefer lemon, you can create the icing with orange. Just put orange shavings instead of lemon.

Καλή απόλαυση!!!

Buon Appetite!!! 

(the recipe is already posted in EGST blog

η συνταγη εχει ήδη δημοσιευτεί στο μπλοκ της EGST


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Doing Time...Out

When I get home from work, the first thing I usually encounter is a recounting of Jacob's behavior of the entire day...given by him....and totally unprompted. When he looks sheepish, I know he has a time-out or two to report. Other times, he will smile wide and exclaim, "I was so good! No time-outs today!" It cracks me up that he feels compelled to tattle on himself.

Although he is pretty good about giving me an honest report card, it's never easy trying to get any details out of the guy! This is precisely why four year olds are not allowed to testify:

Jake: "Mommy, I had to go to time-out four times today."
Me: "Well, what happened? Why did you have to go to time out?"
Jake: "I had to go to time out the first time because Cousin1 was screaming. Then I had to go another time because Cousin2 took away Cousin1's toys. Then another time, Cousin2 was jumping on the furniture so I had to get in trouble. And...I can't remember the rest."

I would love, just for hilarity's sake, to get all the cousins in a room and take turns cross-examining them. Fingers would be pointing in all directions. Hmmm, it's interesting...the similarity between kids and clients.

Speaking of clients and work, I had an incredibly frustrating day today. I left my house at 11:45 a.m. for a 1:30 hearing in a different city. Although it should have been simple and quick, I didn't pick up the kids until 6:30. Not only did the hearing start late but, even though I was there for a simple "housekeeping" matter, ours was the very last case called. So I sat there for 3 hours and listened to all the other attorneys. What's worse is that I had only eaten one piece of toast and one measley yogurt all day. It's hard to listen to bullsh*t for three hours on an empty stomach!

Listening to other attorneys never ceases to shock me. I can't believe the shit judges have to put up with! I overheard one attorney repeatedly swear and rag on his opposing counsel to his client. Gee, I wonder why people hate attorneys! After one particularly painful hearing, an attorney on the losing side made snarky comments to the judge about how unethical opposing counsel's behavior was (btw, it was so definitely NOT unethical) and then even accused the judge of making a borderline unethical ruling. I don't know what planet THESE people come from, but I pretty much thought it was a universal rule that you do NOT insult the judge?! Right? Am I crazy?!

Then during another hearing, one attorney was very upset things weren't going his way and kept making sarcastic comments, complete with grandious and dramatic hand gestures to portray his exasperation with the court and the other party. He even made the pro-se party on the other side (who declared through sobs that she is undergoing cancer treatment) cry during the hearing! Things were so surreal that I forgot I was watching real court hearings. I'm sure I noticibly gasped and chuckled as if I was in the audience of a Judge Judy taping.

My favorite hearings of the day were the ones involving pro-se parties. One pro-se party asked the court to strike the other side's supporting declaration on the basis that he didn't know the person signing the declaration. To top it off, this guy had the squeakiest shoes on the planet. They didn't make a normal squeaky noise though. They made a mini-whoopie cushion fart noise each time he took a step toward or away from the bench.

After three hours of THAT. My head hurt from all the ridiculousness and my butt hurt from three hours of sitting. And when we finally were called, we discovered that our hearing had to be continued anyway. Geez! At least I learned a lot about how NOT to behave before a judge.

As if I hadn't had enough circus for one day, when I picked up the kids, Jacob was dressed like this:

He refused to take the wig off even for a quick trip to the grocery store, during the middle of which, somewhere between dried cereal and baking supplies, he loudly screamed that he "had to POOP!" When I asked if he could hold it until we paid for groceries, he screamed even louder (to the joy of everyone around us) "NO, THERE IS A HUGE POOP TRYING TO COME OUT OF MY BUTT. I'M POOPING OUT MY CHICKEN AND RICE."

It was lovely.

And Ryan was, as always, such a breeze. He is such an easy and happy baby that he barely makes the blog anymore.

I'm Too Crazy For My Bar Card

In the past four days I have done a lot of things that make me feel lawyerish. During my weekend, I wrote a 12 page response to a motion. This week I drafted an Appellate Brief. And tomorrow, I am going to attended my first Pre-Trial Conference.  Feeling lawyerish again feels so good. Initially, I had a rough start transitioning back after taking a year off to do pre-litigation paralegal work. I'm finally getting back into a groove.

And I'm starting to breath a sigh of relief regarding my long term laywer career. I'm past that all-so-important three year benchmark of being an attorney. You know, that qualifier on job postings that says "minimum of three years experience required?" Well, I'm finally there! Not that I feel my job is in jeopardy or that I want to change jobs. It's just a big sigh of relief knowing I qualify for whole new set of lawyer jobs in case anything happened.

While I've done a lot of things in the past couple days that have made me feel like a legit lawyer, nothing has made me feel more legit than tonight when I turned off the TV after the kids went to bed, realized there was nothing good on, and instead opted to crank out more billable hours. Watch out world! I'm a wild child!

I often wish I could get a bird's eye view of what other people my age do on a regular basis. I often feel like I'm so out of touch with the regular activities of "normal" people. Do other 28 year old still go out on on a regular basis? Do they have, let's see, what's the word? Oh yeah, dates? (In the past five months, I can recall going on only one date with my husband- we didn't even celebrate our five year anniversary!). Do other 28-year olds go to pubs and happy hours and those unfamiliar things called movie theaters?

Whenever I tell my boss what my weekend plans are (after he asks me if I have any plans), he declares to me that his life was so much different at 28. And by different, I'm assuming he means that he did things that were remotely entertaining and involved some level of fun, irrational behavior. You know, something a little more crazy than throwing all caution to the wind and licking BOTH beaters of cookie dough.

Is it because I am an introvert? Is it because people generally piss me off? I'm too busy? Is it because I don't have quick access to fun places to hang out? Is it because I'm a mom? Or is it a good mix of all of those? Who knows....honestly, I don't really feel compelled to change my activities (although a date would be nice!). I'm fine with staying low key for now.

Now excuse me while I re-organize all the recipes on my Pinterest food board into new categories!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Giveaway Winner - Korina... the butterfly girl!!!

The first Giveaway with Featured Seller in my blog is just ended! A winner has been chosen by Rafflecopter and the lucky lady that is going to be wearing the amazing butterfly earrings made by Korina is:

Congratulations Anda!!! We will contact you soon!!!

Korina I want to thank you for being my first Featured Seller in my blog and for sharing a lit bit about yourself. It was just great having you here!!!!

Hugs and Kisses !!!!

Experimental Jewelry: EXLIBERTIS

I love experimental and unconventional jewelry! In this series I'm featuring jewelry artists who work with unconventional materials and techniques, and who see a ring or a pendant as a canvas to express their art and creativity. 

eXLiBeRTiS  is a jewelry brand based in Poland. As soon as I came across eXLiBeRTiS unique work, I was hooked by the natural, organic look of the pieces. They looked so unique to me, and at the same time like a piece of nature. Somehow "kindred" to me. Womandragory's unique, handmade eco jewellery is made "somewhere in the Polish mountains". She lovingly calls her work "Handmade Eco Jewellery For Freaks", and each piece is "made from love of forests, rivers and ecology". Inspired by her beautiful natural surroundings and by Polish folk art, Wo works with natural materials -- wood, paper, cardboard, tree bark just to name a few. Recently she has even been experimenting with egg shells. A lover of nature and mountains like myself, she creates an amazing and unique line of jewelry which speaks to the heart of eco-conscious women who love to wear one-of-a-kind jewelry and who love to stand out from the crowd. She often photograhs her pieces in natural settings, which underline her inspiration. Wearing a piece of jewelry from eXLiBeRTiS is like wearing a piece of the mountains and woods which inspire Womandragory beyond words.
You can find eXLiBeRTiS wonderful jewelry on Womandragory's blog and on Facebook. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Work Hard. Play Hard.

This weekend was a crazy mix of extremes. I rarely work on the weekends (thanks to my new non-conventional lawyer hours). I also rarely go out on the town and stay up until 2am. This weekend, I did both!

At the end of last week, a partner asked me to take a look at a motion and prepare a response. It's a motion involving attorney fees. Do you know what that means?! It involves....dun, dun, dun.... MATH! GROSS! Thankfully it also involved a good deal of legal research (my fave) to break up the math-monotony.

I love a lot of things about being a lawyer. But I mostly love the competition and creativity of motion briefing. One thing I have discovered is that there are a lot of lawyers who are lazy writers/legal researchers. It is not very fun to oppose a sloppy motion. When my opponent is crafty and creative and only border-line ethical, that's when the big guns come out.

There is nothing in the world better than pulling apart your opponent's arguments. Then when you find the MONEY case that supports your own argument, it's like pulling a tiny thread and unraveling an entire sweater. Even better than that is when case law on a subject is mixed and the judge could rule either way. The excitement of opening up the court order and reading the ruling while trying not to skip ahead to the outcome is even better than opening gifts on Christmas. Because you know that, if you win, it's the result of your own work, creatively crafted arguments, and excellent use of analogizing cases. It's called a litigator's high. It is better than sex. Yep.

So back to this weekend....I spent over 8 hours researching and writing a 12 page opposition brief. I broke this time out between the two days so that I didn't feel like I was neglecting my children. I wrote the brief at my kitchen table in my yoga pants in between tantrums, time-outs, meals, nap times, and simple cries for attention. It was frustrating to have to stop mid-argument to refill a water bottle or wipe someone's ass, but I managed somehow.

Then Saturday night, I met up with some friends for a night on the town. It was one of my friend's 30th birthday and we had high expectations for the night. I love taking friends from my city to Seattle. I am the honorary Seattle-ite since I work there and I get to show them around town. I also get to feel really important when people ask me simple things like "how do you catch a cab in Seattle," or "where is a good place to eat?" or "Is this neighborhood too sketchy to walk through this time of night?" I love playing tour guide because I love Seattle with a passion and I get to share my love and passion with others (whether they want me to or not!).

We started at one of my favorite bar, Bathtub Gin & Co. It's a tiny little bar and best-kept Seattle secret. The entrance is in an alleyway behind some office buildings. When you walk up to the entrance, an unassuming wooden door between homeless people and dumpsters, you have no idea if you are in the in the right place. One step inside the door and you feel like you've discovered a secret little world. The place is tiny and cramped but the dim lighting, the friendly people, and amazingly long list of cocktails make it the COOLEST place to get drunk in Seattle.

NOT Sketchy:

Our fancy custom-made receipt illustrated by our bartender.

We had a couple drinks, made friends with the bartender and other customers, had some interesting girl talk, then left to grab a bite to eat. We had our sights set on a romantic looking, upscale grill across the street. But as we left the bar at 8:45, one person in our group was already stumble-down drunk. So, we opted for nachos at the fast-food joint Taco Del-Mar where we were the only patrons and could enjoy the spanish game-show television, bright flourescent lights, and cartoon fish character decor all by ourselves.

My "I'm not drunk enough for fast-food nachos" face.

Me with the beautiful birthday girl

Luckily everyone sobered up in time for some dancing at a nearby club. Looking for a cool little pub? I'm your girl. Looking for a club? Forget it! But Google did not disppoint and we landed at Trinity Night Club with multiple dance floors and walls that vibrated from the mix of techno and pop songs. We drank, we dance, and OH BOY did we meet some of the creepiest men in the city. I don't remember men being so bold and shameless. I also don't remember men having no qualms about dancing like complete idiots. Men continued to want to girate on us even upon discovering we were married. We all took turns playing body guard though and it worked out pretty well.

At one point during the evening, this man (looking like an ugly Daniel Craig- trust me, it IS possible) bent over at a ninety degree angle, stuck his butt out, and danced with his rear jiggling and jiving up against me. WHAT? Since when do men dance like that? We all laughed at his expense and then quickly ditched him in the crowd.

I also had forgotten about the flocks of men that a group of women can attract. I haven't talked with so many people in my entire life! As much fun as I had, I couldn't help but feel a little detached from it all many times during the evening. I guess I'm just a lame-old mom. By 11:00, my knees were hurting from dancing and I just wanted to sit on my quiet couch and surf Pinterest (I realize how very sad I sound!). I was shocked to see men twice my age with more energy and interest in dancing. Can I blame my lame-ness on being a mom?

Can I go home now and drink tea?

We left the club a little after midnight, caught the 12:50 a.m. ferry and that got me home at 2 a.m. It was a very fun night! It wasn't so awesome, however, to be woken up at 6:30 by two hungry, energetic children and then have to spent 4 more hours finishing up my motion. But that is the life of a mommy lawyer!

P.S. Is it sad that the closest thing I could get to a clubbing outfit was an Ann Taylor Loft blouse?

Work Interrupted

My Friday night plans originally consisted of getting the kids to bed and settling down to finish a motion. The motion is kind of intense and it is due Monday. I REALLY wanted to get it out of the way so I could enjoy the rest of my weekend.

So Friday night, I sat down to get started only to realize that I had left the outline in my thumb drive at the office. FAIL! I had no choice but to try and recreate it. I had finally gotten started on the substantive stuff when I heard Ryan crying from the bedroom. I swore under my breath, sighed, and went to rock him back to sleep.

When I finally sat down to contine my work ten minutes later, I discovered that the website I use for legal research was not working. At 10:30 p.m. I got on my cell phone and called tech support. I waited on hold for 12 minutes just to be told that there was a systematic glitch and that it would take them a while to fix it. I did as much as I could without the ability to do legal research (which was not very much) then I finally gave in and called it a night.

The kids woke me up at 7:00 the next morning. I got them fed and then focused my attention back on my motion with Dinosaur Train blaring in the background. I got about 30 minutes done before Ryan was whinny and ready for a nap (he usually needs a nap right away when he wakes up too early). I didn't even get started on my motion until 9:30. (P.s. - Lawyers without kids have no idea what kind of advantage they have!)

Needless to say, I didn't get my motion finished. I spent all of my hour-long spin class crafting my arguments in my head. After spin, I did only a little bit more work (while taking care of the kids) before I threw in the towel. Instead of finishing my motion, I headed out on the town for a rare ladies' night. There was a lot of new drinks, dancing, and conversations with strangers. Apparently there was too much of those things because I didn't get home until 2 a.m.! I'm so old. As soon as the clock strikes 11:30, all I want is to be home so I can go to bed.

So yeah, tomorrow is really going to be fun (not).


A few days ago I received a lovely package from Greece! It was from lovely Marie from Marie-Meraki, who sent me the wonderful handmade candle she had made for the giveaway organized by the animal lovers blog Planitis gia Olous! (Planet for All!) among all the people who sent their contribution for the Greek Animal Welfare Society Christmas Bazaar. I was one of the lucky winners!

In addition to the wonderful handcrafted candle, Marie sent me two lovely handmade gifts! I was blown away by her generosity and her friendship!!! I'm going to cherish all of these wonderful handcrafted presents!
Please check out Marie's blog, where she shares her beautiful and unique handmade artisan work, which ranges from home decor to candles, from accessories to handmade cards and favors.
Thank you so much, sweet Marie! :)

Friday, January 25, 2013


Each young woman who is deeply in love with her soul mate has one Big Dream: sharing her life, her plans and her family with the man she wants to grow old with. Sandra couldn't. This young, lovely woman with the sweetest smile, this wife, mother, friend and artist I deeply admire (she has been one of my Artist Interviews) has recently lost her soul mate, the love of her life, her husband, best friend and father to their 5-year-old boy to cancer. 

Duarte was only 40 years young when cancer ripped him out from Sandra's and their little son's life after a short battle against the disease. Just before Christmas. Dreams broken. A young mother left with the greatest grief imaginable (if ever we can imagine it), devastated emotionally, and left with a small son and without a fixed income. In the darkest moment of grief, Sandra has to face the enormous burden of being without the financial means to ensure her and her little boy an income. Sandra is a wonderful ceramic artist, and her only source of income is her Etsy shop Azulado. Portugal, a country going through a deep financial crisis, isn't able to grant a young widow financial support. At least not yet, not now, not in this very moment of desperate need. 

Sandra is a member of a wonderful Team on Etsy, the European Street Team. This wonderful Team has joined hands to support Sandra in this moment of desperate need, which we cannot even imagine in its sheer cruelty. Over 50 of Sandra's team mates have donated their handmade work, which is going for the prizes you can win in a raffle organized by the Team. Each ticket in this raffle costs only 5$ (about 4€)! The more tickets are sold, the more financial support will go to Sandra and her little son! Each and every penny from the sale of the tickets will go to Sandra and her little son. Other ways to join this wonderful act of kindness are buying a piece of handmade ceramic art from Sandra's shop Azulado, or sharing this initiative on any social network or your blog. Please read the details hereWe cannot take away Sandra's pain, but we can take away some of her worries, helping her out in these first terrible moments. You can read Sandra's moving words on her blog, where she shares her pain and the inner joy the love she is feeling from her unknown friends is bringing into her heart, giving her new hope and light in these dark moments.

My heartfelt thanks to the Etsy European Street Team for this amazing initiative of love and support (I am very proud to be a part of this great Team!), and to all of you who can contribute. THANK YOU.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You Spin Me Right Round

Just wait, I have so many more unfunny and unclever "spin" titles to attack the blogosphere with.

So, have I mentioned I love spin class? I absolutely love it. Who knew you could get the equivalent of a runner's high from cycling? That is, after you get over how hard it is, how freakishly much you sweat, having to stare at someone's (usually an old man) ass for an hour, and having to wear shorts with padding in the crotch.

As a semi-related side note that you don't want to know about: Sometimes when I'm cycling, I'll glimpse down without thinking and wonder, "why is my crotch puffy? Is there a man sitting on my lap?" Then I remember, "nope, I'm just wearing padded shorts." Oh yeah... I'm cool.

The best thing about cycling is that while it's hard, anyone can do it (unless maybe you have no legs). Beginners can adjust the gears on their bike to any level of resistance. No one can tell what gear their neighbor is in. So, on a rough day, while the rest of the class is doing an uphill climb on gear 20, I can be sailing along on gear 13 so long as I make sufficient grimacing faces to assure the instructor that I am working as hard as everyone else. And when I feel like I'm dying and the instructor yells "ADD A GEAR!" I can easily waive my hand over the gear level to make it LOOK like I'm adding a gear.

I'm so clever. I know all the tricks.

Because you can never judge, simply by sight, how well anyone else is doing, there is only one way to indicate your elite status as a spinner. Elite status is achieved when you work so hard that sweat continuously drips off your face and forms a nice puddle on the floor. Yes, your performance is judged by your sweat. I love being in an environment where it is totally acceptable to sweat. It makes my life so much better.

Oh and did I mention that in one hour of spinning, I can burn 600 calories?! It's totally amazing! That's like 1.75 donuts, 4 small scoops of vanilla ice cream, 7 oreo cookies, 600 carrots, or one Butterfinger Blizzard.

Simple Life.....

It is weird how easily and how often all of us forget to live our lives and simple enjoy it. It is true that lately I was so tired because of real life issues, that made me want to whine all the time, to be nervous and not to have the proper mood to do anything at all. Does this sound familiar????

But yesterday a couple of issues in my friends’ life made me to “wake up” and to realize that life is small and that we are not going to have a second opportunity to enjoy things.

So I started my day, trying to figure out how simple things can make my mood better and observe them. Almost every morning I follow the same program, wake up, prepare the kid and then walk for about 15min to get to the bus that will take me to my office. And every day the walking part was a nightmare! But today I enjoyed my walk! Why?

Let me give you an idea…

Almost a kilometer away from my home, there is a small, tiny park with beautiful trees, a park that unfortunately is not something usual here in Athens. Beautiful trees, with great colors that are trying to avoid the winter and waiting for the Spring to come!

I continued on and the next thing I saw was how amazing is the sun in Greece! Even in the winter time! Actually, this is something that I adore in my country. Just look up the sky and watch the sun and the clouds passing by and dream that you can catch them! Isn’t that a great feeling? That will definitely make your day!

Last stop before I get on the bus… a sightseeing of Athens! Well even this city can be pretty sometimes!

After 40min I am in the office. Preparing a coffee, one of my greatest pleasures, and I am ready to work. Ok… where is my cookie?

Hmmm… very emotional post, but I like it! Actually this short walk just made my day! It is great just to enjoy everything!!!!

To be honest this post created yesterday with a beautiful sunny day! Today we have a rainy day, but feelings are the same. I did the same short walk to reach the bus and the same pictures were still beautiful even under the grey sky. A while before my walk end, I saw the same sky full of clouds and the sun was trying to appear via a tiny whole. I smiled and spontaneously I closed my umbrella. I felt the rain in my face and it was great. It was like the rain was trying to take away all of my problems and bad thoughts and I felt relieved.
Because there is Always sun after the rain behind the clouds! So, Smile! Your real friends will be happy for you and the people that are pretending will worry… so just smile, makes things easier. :)
I would love you to share with me your simple, enjoyable pleasures! Can't wait....

PS… Is there any way to dry off my clothes????


- Colle del Lys (Lys Pass), 1311 m -

More images from these wonderful days, sharing my beautiful mountains with my Loved One! ♥

 - Viù -