Good Morning my friends!
I am really glad to have another wonderful lady, a really talented artist and a new blogger in my blog! I have met Irene a few months ago and I have to admit that I loved her from first sight. Beautiful Handmade and unique paintings for Kids!
She had already been in my blog with an amazing tutorial sharing with us how to make a gorgeous 3D girl painting and now it is really beautiful to have a small interview from her.
So please let me introduce you Irene from LaCameraFelice !!!!
I am Irene and I like painting since I was a child. Passing through the years I did several lessons regarding design and painting and I continued painting always as a hobby.
Είμαι η Ειρήνη και μου αρέσει να ζωγραφίζω από παιδί, με το πέρασμα των χρόνων έκανα διάφορα μαθήματα πάνω στο σχέδιο και την ζωγραφική και συνέχισα να ζωγραφίζω πάντα ως χόμπι.
Eventually a friend gave birth to her child and I wanted to get away from the trivial nevertheless useful gifts and to do something more special. This thought became a little piece of art, which my friend liked it very much and somehow this became "La Camera Felice" which means "The Happy Room".
Κάποια στιγμή μία φίλη γέννησε και ήθελα να ξεφύγω λίγο από τα τετριμμένα, πλην χρήσιμα δώρα και να της κάνω κάτι πιο ιδιαίτερο. Αυτή η σκέψη έγινε ένα μικρό έργο τέχνης που την ενθουσίασε πολύ και κάπως έτσι γεννήθηκε το “La Camera Felice”, δηλαδή το “Το Χαρούμενο Δωμάτιο”.
This title, came up spontaneously because in my mind the ideal room should be full of colors, laughs, sweet dreams and art of course!
Διάλεξα αυτόν το τίτλο αυθόρμητα γιατί πιστεύω ότι το ιδανικό παιδικό δωμάτιο πρέπει να είναι γεμάτο χρώματα, γέλια, όνειρα γλυκά και τέχνη φυσικά!
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The Ship is Singing |
I make mostly mixed media paintings using several materials (buttons, fabrics, ribbons, etc).
Φτιάχνω κυρίως πίνακες μικτής τεχνικής χρησιμοποιώντας διάφορα αντικείμενα (κουμπιά, υφάσματα, κορδέλες, κλπ).
Every kid is unique and that’s why I don’t repeat my paintings. I hope you enjoy my creations as much as I enjoy making them!
Κάθε παιδί είναι μοναδικό και γι’ αυτό το λόγο και δεν επαναλαμβάνω τους πίνακές μου. Ελπίζω να σας αρέσουν οι δημιουργίες μου τόσο όσο διασκεδάζω να τις φτιάχνω!
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Elli |
Thank you beautiful interview!
Irene was really kind to offer a gift from her collection to one lucky lady (or should I say lucky girl?) ..... a Gorgeous One of the Kind 3D Girl Painting from LaCameraFelice collection!!!!
In order to have the chance to win and choose your favorite earrings, just use the Rafflecopter below and earn more entries.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner will be announced on the 4th of November.
Good Luck!!!!
P.S This Giveaway is also sponsored by jaba , kerdiseto and by e-contest.
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